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The Kikos death / Смерть Кикоса

Смерть Кикоса

Жили были бедные муж и жена, у них было три дочери.

Однажды муж на работе захотел пить и послал дочь за водой. Дочь взяла кувшин и пошла к колодцу, у колодца было дерево. Она взяла воду и пошла к отцу. Но отца там не было, он был дома и готовил подарки что бы в рождественскую ночь дать дочерям. Когда дочь пришла домой ей и ее сестрам дали подарки и они пошли отмечать рождество вместе с соседями

The Kikos death

Once upon a time there lived a poor husband and a wife, they had three daughters. One day the husband at work became thirsty and sent his daughter for water. The daughter took the jug and went to the well, there was a tree by the well. She took water and went to her father. But the father was not there, he was at home and prepared gifts to give to his daughters on Christmas night. When the daughter came home, she and her sisters were given gifts and they went to celebrate Christmas with their neighbors.